Blueprint for Inclusion
Collaborate for Community
Help Us Create the Blueprint for Inclusion
Through the AEC Blueprint for Inclusion, we serve as our community guide for building acceptance and belonging for people of all abilities through creative collaboration.
This initiative encourages AEC staff and center members to think outside of the box to broaden our impact, and invites community members to partner with us in new and exciting ways.

Join Us!
Current & Upcoming
We continue to build an inclusive community by expanding our program to bring Adult Day Health Care to Fort Mill in November 2024.
The AEC Community Choir completed their first public concert in Chester, SC! Made up of adults who love music and singing and led by Kendra Husband, the choir is supported by a grant from the Developmental Disabilities Council and Panther Heating and Cooling. To schedule the AEC Community Choir or to join the group, email Samantha.
We have expanded our education opportunities to include classes on brain health and vision loss as related to dementia to community groups.
Our School of the Arts members continue to engage in various activities that support our community, like delivering Meals on Wheels and packing food boxes for those in need.
Currently, we are collecting full-sized toiletries for Santa for Seniors in partnership with Do Good Now.
Past Events
Our inaugural Blueprint for Inclusion project featured a collaborative public art project showcasing the unique bond between pets and their families. Called Hear Me, See Me, Accept Me, this progressive public art mural creation depicts how the human-pet connection can positively impact mental health and well-being, and can provide life lessons for us all on acceptance and belonging.
Get Involved
If you or your group is interested in participating in Blueprint for Inclusion initiatives, please contact Morgan Miles, School of the Arts Coordinator at 803.702.5625 ext 6007. We look forward to collaborating with you to make our community a better, more inclusive place.