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Make Every Second Count

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Qualifiers for Membership

Hours & Schedule

Our Facility

Our Curriculum

Hand with fingers wrapped around light tan checker piece preparing to make a play

Montessori Principles

Laughing elderly man with gray hair and goatee holding flowers in black nursery pots

The Art of Care Outdoors


Renew membership includes a healthy breakfast and lunch, and snacks and drinks are available throughout the day. Menus change weekly. Take a look at a sample lunch menu!

Monitoring & Support

An RN is on campus daily to assist and track medication administration. Staff monitor and inform families of signs of progression and decline. Members have lockers for personal effects; showers and washer/dryer available if needed.

Membership Fee


Meet Abby

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 Licensure & Audits

Become A Member

Adult Day Health Care | Fort Mill, SC
601 Springcrest Drive
Fort Mill, SC 29715

Fort Mill, SC